Tuesday 13 December 2011

A change from the running training

Today I had a short 3 mile easy run in the morning followed by a decent resistance training session this afternoon.

I fancied a spot of bench pressing as I hadnt done this in roughly 3 weeks or so and the only pushing I had done in the horizontal plane was a few sets of push ups. Most of my pressing work of recent, in fact all of it has been using kettlebell strict shoulder press, bent press, windmills and turkish get ups.

The session went as follows:-

Bar * 30
40kg * 10
60kg * 10
80kg * 5
90kg * 3
100kg * 1
110kg * 1
115kg *1 (failed this weight 3 weeks ago so pleased with an apparent strength gain!)
90kg * 5
90kg * 5

Each set was followed immediately by 6 gym ring chins from dead hang.

Kettlebell Bent Press
16kg * 5 each side
20kg * 5/5
24kg * 3/3
24kg * 3/3
24kg * 3/3

Double Kettlebell Chair Press
16kg * 2 * 20
20kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10

Bulgarian Bag Spins
12kg Bag * 100 spins constant
Rest 2 mins
12kg Bag * 100 spins constant

Job done.

Great session today and it just goes to show the value of over head pressing and its carry over to the bench press! Kettlebells strike again!

Monday 28 November 2011

Kettlebell Conditioning

Training today was a kettlebell session designed to complement my current running training.
The session focussed on high work capacity sets, core and upper body strength along with a metabolic conditioning set to finish.

Heres how it went:--

Kettlebell Clean / Kettlebell Snatch Super Set - 20kg Bell
Perform 10 reps of cleans then snatches with right hand, repeat for left.
Perform 9 reps as above without rest, then 8, 7, 6 etc until 1 of each is done.

Total work time  - 12 minutes

Kettlebell Bent Press
12kg * 5/5
16kg * 5/5
20kg * 5/5
20kg * 5/5

Goblet Squat / Windmill Super Set
24kg Bell 15 squats / 6 windmills each arm
Repeat for 4 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spin / 24" Box Jump
17kg Bag - 10 spins each way / 10 box jumps - repeat for 5 sets without rest.

Great session today, very enjoyable and took just under the hour.

Friday 11 November 2011

Example Meditation to Develop Visualisation Skills and Relaxation

Further to my previous blog post about the Power of Meditation I wanted to provide an example of a meditation that I have used extensively when I was learning how to master this hugely powerful skill.

The purpose of the meditation outlined below is to practice and develop ones ability to use visualisation while at the same time promoting deep relaxation.

When first learning to meditate it is important to use visualisation within your meditation as this serves to provide a point of focus for the mind outside of the daily fluff that we have to deal with. In addition, as the process of visualisation develops and comes easier to us, it paves the way for the ultimate goal of meditation, to reach a state of no thought.

During the meditation accept that your mind WILL wander. It may happen frequently at first. Try not to become frustrated at this, simply become aware of it and then turn your mind back to the point at which the visualisation was interrupted. Be patient and stay relaxed.

Prior to starting sit in a quiet room without disturbance, turn off phones etc, draw the curtains if you have them or turn off the lights. Sit in a high backed chair, feet on the ground, uncrossed and with hands resting gently in your lap.

Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply in through the nose, out through the mouth. As you inhale become aware of the tension in your chest as it rises and falls. Be aware of the warmth of the breath as it leaves your body and note the feeling of relaxation through the chest cavity as your lungs empty. Focus purely on the detail of breathing until you become to feel more relaxed.

Once you feel relaxed and with eyes closed imagine standing up out of your chair and taking the journey to your front door. Visualise every step and detail that you can remember, all the while breathing gently and freely.

On reaching the front door take a deeper breath, exhale and open the door. As you do so notice your feet are on a forest floor. Visualise here as much detail as possible, twigs under foot, the colour of the earth, is it wet or dry etc. As you look around in your minds eye visualise a beautiful and peaceful forest. The more detail you visualise the better. What can you see, what can you hear, what can you smell? Continue to walk marvelling at the tranquillity, you create this experience, just keep walking.

After a short while imagine arriving at a gate. You may decide to visualise a gatekeeper as present. This could be anyone you wish, fictitious or real. For example, a guard, monk, best friend, relative, ancestor, warrior etc. The purpose of the gate is to signify a gateway to increased feelings of relaxation and the subconscious. If you decide to have an imaginary conversation with the gatekeeper, so be it, just flow with whatever springs to mind.

Once through the gate imagine the colours, sounds and smells intensifying around you. Continue to walk but imagine the pathway creeping upwards and upwards. As you get higher imagine feeling lighter, the higher you walk the lighter you feel.

Continue visualising your journey until you get to the top. Once at the top you may decide to sit there and take in the surroundings. Alternatively may decide (as I often did) to soar into the sky as a bird of prey, feeling light and free, able to go wherever my heart desired.

Spend sometime here. Try not to analyse what may come to you, just acknowledge and let go. If your mind wanders off the visualisation gently go back to it again.

Once you feel like sufficient time has been spent at the top of the mountain path begin your descent. Continue to visualise as much detail as possible and take your time. Pass through the gate, thank the gate keeper (your subconscious) and slowly come back to your house, through the front door and back into your seat.

Take a few moments to slowly move your extremities, become more aware of your physical body and when you are ready, open your eyes and take some water.

You may be surprised at how much time has passed. You should feel more relaxed and with an air of tranquillity within your consciousness.

Remember; accept that your mind will wander. With time and practice your mind will wander less and less and you will find it increasingly easier to visualise with greater detail.

Each time you meditate visualise a different location and path or return to the same one. Other ideas include a beach, mountains, hills, cliffs etc. Above all, enjoy. Be well.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

The Power of Meditation

Meditation is a skill that carries a huge amount of benefits including reduced anxiety and stress, decreased blood pressure, increased sense of well being, clarity of thought, development of intuition, visualisation, increased creativity and a more positive outlook towards life.

The ultimate goal of meditation is to be able to enter a state where by the sitter is no longer aware of conscious thought. I refer to it as the “space between thoughts” and when encountered, it is a place of indescribable beauty, tranquillity and bliss.

For many, the word meditation conjures up images of monks, sitting cross legged and Omming, Ahhhing and Chanting.

In my experience, meditation is a far cry from these stereotypical images and once mastered can lead to a tremendous sense of well being, fulfilment, contentment and inner peace.

I have engaged in meditation for over 5 years and began sitting regularly with the goal of experiencing greater inner peace while also developing my intuition to assist my work as a Reiki Practitioner and Personal Trainer.

Learning to meditate isn’t easy but patience, commitment and dedication has paid off and I now feel more connected to my surroundings, more in control of my destiny and ultimately happier and mentally stronger than I have ever been before. I have complete faith when I have a gut feeling and have acted upon these “feelings” which has in no uncertain terms assisted me greatly with the development of my personal training business.

When sitting for meditation it is essential that a room or space is chosen that is quiet and during a time when disturbance is unlikely. All phones and alarms should be turned off and any lighting should be dimmed.

It is important to sit in a comfortable position but not too comfortable. My own preference is to sit on a dining room chair with a high back. Eyes should be closed and feet should touch the floor and back should be supported. I suggest avoiding lying down as the chances of falling asleep are high and sleep is not meditation!

One of the biggest hurdles faced by those starting out in meditation is overcoming the “Monkey Mind”. Our mind is like a conveyer belt of thoughts. It is only when sitting quietly trying not to think about anything that it becomes apparent just how noisy the mind can be. This is also the exact reason why an over active mind can result in stress and anxiety. Like the body, the mind needs a rest too from time to time!

In order to limit the dancing of the monkey mind a good practice is to begin by using a simple visualisation. This can be anything from visualising the breath travelling slowly and evenly in and out of the body, visualising a single object such as a flower, repeating a mantra in your head or taking an imaginary journey.

The purpose of the visualisation is to feed the monkey mind and give it something to do. By focussing on your visualisation completely and wholly the chances of experiencing destructive mind noise are reduced. Becoming a master of visualisation paves the way for the more difficult task of completely letting go……but that’s for another blog post.

Going back to visualisation and using the example of breathing, imagine and picture the air travelling in through the nose, down through the body and lungs, passing gently into the blood and around the muscles, organs and tissues. Notice how it feels, how it smells, tastes and so forth. The more detail that is visualised the less likely the mind is to wander onto chores, people and work!

Should the mind be caught wandering (and it will, a lot) don’t stress, simply return to the visualisation where you left off and continue……….above all, be patient, stay relaxed and engage in the moment.

My next blog post will supply an example of a very effective meditation that I used when I first started developing. Thanks for reading.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Strength and Power Training Session

Due to a rather foolish few extra drinks last night I went into todays workout with the remenants of a hangover. Not ideal prep but I wasnt about to let that minor detail curtail a tough session.

Warm Up
25kg Sandbag

1 rep of shouldering each side every 20 seconds for 4 minutes.
Then 1 minute of shouldering constant (14 reps)

2 sets of 20 sandbag squats (10 on 1 shoulder, 10 on the other)

Barbell  Back Squats (25 minute time limit)
60kg * 10
80 * 10
90 * 8
100 * 6
110 * 5
120 * 5
120 * 5
120 * 5

Front Squats
60 * 8
70 * 5
80 * 3 * 3

Strict Barbell Shoulder Press
30kg * 15
40kg * 8


Strict Barbell Shoulder Press/24" Plyo Box Jump/Kettlebell Swing -
45kg * 5
10 Box Jumps
28kg * 10 Kettlebell Swing
Perform each exercise back to back without rest then rest 90 seconds.
Repeat for 7 rounds.

Good session today, the squats felt heavier than they should have done.

Friday 21 October 2011

Conditioning - The Hard Way

Tonight I had a conditioning session with a good mate of mine.

Plan was to train for 45 minutes using extremely intense exercises and portable equipment using a rugby pitch.

The session ended up being a cracker, very very tough. Here's the breakdown:-

Round 1 - Rope/Kettlebell Drag Sprint with Arm Over Arm
15M rope with 16kg kettlebell attached to one end.
Front one side of the pitch, rope coiled and KB tied to one end, take hold of the opposite end of rope.

Sprint out with rope over shoulder and run/dragging the rope and bell full width of the pitch.
Once their arm over arm coil the rope in as fast as possible, sprint back again pulling rope/bell and arm over arm again.

Partner then goes.

Repeat for 5 rounds. We managed 5 rounds each to total time 11 mins 20 seconds.
GREAT drill for Rugby players this.

Round 2 - 20kg Plate Over Head Walking Lunge/9kg Slam Ball Slams
First player does walking lunges with 20kg plate over head for 10m out and 10m back.
Second player slams ball repeatedly.
Then swap over, no rest.

When both done, rest 90 seconds and repeat for 3 rounds total.

Round 3 - Wolverson Fitness Low Sled Push
This round employed the use of a push/pull sled as per this link http://www.wolverson-fitness.co.uk/Push-Pull-Sled_AYWE2.aspx?0

The name of the game was player one holds the handles and the back and sprints pushing the sled for 1/3 of the rugby pitch. Player 2 then sprints pushing back while player 1 walks along side.
Repeat for 5 rounds.

Great session tonight, very challenging and great fun.

Give it a go!

Monday 17 October 2011

Kettlebell Swing Breathing Ladders

The kettlebell swing is an awesome exercise for developing posterior chain strength, endurance and conditioning while also strongly stimulating the core.

Depending on the structure of the training session kettlebell swings can be used to develop explosive power (heavy weight, low reps, longer rest periods) right through development of the aerobic conditioning and muscular endurance.

It is this latter goal that was the purpose behind today's training session.

I first came across Breathing Ladders on the www.gymjones.com web site several months ago.
The purpose of breathing ladders is to facilitate a large volume of work to be completed using a weight based resistance move in the gym setting while keeping the session itself relatively low intensity.

From my own perspective I use 2 Handed Kettlebell Swings due to their effect on conditioning the hamstrings, glutes and to a lesser degree lower back while also facilitating increased endurance within the musculature of the core. Each of these muscle groups play an important role in propelling the body forward for activities such as jumping, cycling and running.

My current goals are to decrease my 10K run time (amongst other things) and thus performing a large number of 2 handed kettlebell swings serves to condition the key muscles associated with moving faster for longer while also increasing core stability for prolonged periods allowing better power transfer through the hips.

The format for a breathing ladder is to perform sets of increasing repetitions with a fixed weight.
Rest periods are taken by taking slow deep breaths to match the number of repetitions performed. For example:- 1 Swing, 1 breath, 2 swings, 2 breaths, 3 swings, 3 breaths and so on.

The aim of the game is to avoid completing longer sets and then "panic breathing". In other words avoid gulping for air and instead maintain control at all times.

The longer and deeper the breaths taken the more recovery you receive and the longer the workout can continue (time permitting.)

Common rep ranges are 1-10 repeated for several ladders, 1-20, 1-20-1, 1-30 etc and above and beyond!

My session today looked like this:-

Warm Up
Mobility work, body weight movements.

Round 1
2 Handed Kettlebell Swing (Crossfit Style) - rest 30 seconds between sets

12kg * 20
16kg * 20
20kg * 20
24kg * 15 * 5 sets

Breathing Ladder - 24kg Kettlebell, 2 Handed Swings
For the main set I performed reps in an increasing ladder from 1 to 30 reps and to total 465 swings with a 24kg kettlebell.

The set took 36 minutes to complete, the breathing aspect of this set was relatively easy, maintaining control at all times.

From sets 27 to 30 fatigue began to set in strongly in the glutes and hamstrings thus indicating a need for increased muscular endurance on the higher sets.

Round 3
 2 Handed Kettlebell Swings (Crossfit Style)
20kg * 20 reps
20kg * 20 reps

Cool Down
Stretching and foam rolling.

Today was a good session and very enjoyable.

On the breathing ladder main set from sets 10 - 30 my pulse rate remained elevated (during rest periods) above 120BPM for the duration of the ladder with a peak of 165 BPM after the last set.

As you can see, I have performed well over 600 reps of swings today without undue stress, a target that would have been very difficult to achieve with a standard sets/reps approach.

Give breathing ladders a go!

Monday 3 October 2011

Strength, Power and Sustained Strength Endurance

Todays session centred around 3 distinct phases.

Phase 1:- Push/Pull Strength
Bench Press/Gymnastic Ring Pull Ups
Bar * 20 * 2
40kg * 5 reps
60 * 5
70 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 5
100 * 5
110 * 1
110 * 1
110 * 1
80 * max (12 reps achieved)

Each set listed above was followed by 5 reps of gymnastic ring pull ups - full range of motion from dead hang.

Phase 2 - Explosive Power
Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg Bag
12 spins left / 12 spins right
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times

Phase 3 - Strength Endurance, Control, Coordination
KettlebellTurkish Get Up / Windmill Comination

This was performed as follows:-
Perform phase 1 of a Turkish Get Up to full standing position. Once standing with arm over head adjust stance and perform 3 windmills. Then complete the down phase of the TGU.
Roll over the bell on the floor and repeat for the oppostite side.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes constant work.

I managed 6 rounds to total 6 TGU each side and 18 windmills each side.

Good session today, felt strong on the benching and phase 3. I could tell I hadnt picked up the bag in over a week.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp Session

Tonights Eastbourne Boot Camp session focussed on Kettlebell training and cumulative fatigue methods.

Here's how the session broke down:

Warm Up
Mobility Drills/Dynamic Stretches
Push Ups
More jogging, more push ups, more lunges and more burpees.

Round 1 - Cumulative Fatigue
2 Handed Kettlebell Swings * 45 seconds
5 Deep Jump Squats
15 seconds groinal stretch each leg (Push up position, one foot right forwards on outside of one hand, other leg back, look forwards and push chest through to stretch groin/glutes/hammies/adductors)

Repeat 8 times only stopping for the active recovery stretching

60 seconds full rest

Round 2 - Kettlebell Complex
KB Right Hand
5 step through lunges on left leg, 5 high pulls right arm, 5 snatches right arm, 5 rows right arm
KB Left hand
5 step through lunges on right leg, 5 high pulls left arm, 5 snatches left arm, 5 rows left arm
Repeat constant for 5 minutes

Rest 60 seconds

Round 3 - Kettlebell / Plyo / Run
60 seconds kettlebell clean and push press right arm
60 seconds kettlebell clean and push press left arm
20 alternate jump lunges
Easy Option:- Rest
Hardcore Option - Run fast for 250metres
Repeat 3 times

Round 4 - Tabata
2 Handed kettlebell squat to press
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off for 8 rounds
After the 8th round rest with the bell over head for 30 seconds aiming for full extension through shoulders
Sprint 50M

Cool Down
Upper Body Focussed Stretching

Great session tonight for all concerned and good turn out.

Well done to all who came, stuck at it, sucked it up and gave their all - as ever, your achievements make me proud.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Kettlebell Jerks and Bulgarian Bag Conditioning

Training today had the main goal of density sets for kettlebell jerks followed by some metabolic conditioning with the Bulgarian Bag.

The session went down as follows:-

Double Kettlebell Jerks
16kg * 2 * 10 reps
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 2 * 10

Then Density Set:-
24kg * 2 * 6 reps every minute on the minute for 10 mins - total 60 reps.
This worked out as 30 seconds rest each set.

Bulgarian Bag (17kg) Spins
15 reps each way, rest 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times.

Rest 2 mins

Bag Power Snatch (17kg) * 45 seconds/15 rest
Bag Squat 45/15
Bag High Pull 45/15
Rest 60 sec, repeat 3 times

Rest 2 mins then

Bag Power Snatch (17kg) 45/15
Bag Kipping Row 30 sec
Rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Tough session today.

The density set with a pair of 24kg bells was smart, next week will hit 7 reps each time.

Very enjoyable.

Friday 9 September 2011

Super Training for FAST Results!

I trained a female client today who has an incredible work ethic when it comes to training and is someone whom I draw inspiration from every time I train her.

She has had some incredible results losing over 2 stone and getting into some seriously good shape.

This was her training program today for anyone who wants to see what good old fashioned work can achieve:-

Round 1
5 * 7kg Slam ball slams
8 push ups
15 kettlebell swings with a 14kg bell
Repeat for 11 rounds non stop.

Time done:- 12 min 36

Round 2
Double 10kg Kettlebells used for all below:-
15 swings
15 snatches
15 squats
15 clean and press
15 rows

Time done:- 4 min 26

Rest 3 minutes

Repeat once more using a pair of 8's

Time done:- 3min 40

Round 3
7kg Deep Squat to High Throw wall ball - 60 seconds work
60 seconds rest
Repeat 3 times - Penalty of 30 seconds wall squat if ball doesnt hit instructed height.
No penalties received.

Round 4
8kg Bulgarian Bag Spins
10 spins each way
20 Kipping rows
Repeat 3 times non stop.

Stretching to cool down.

Needless to say she was completely spent by the end.

Great work!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Kettlebell Strength/Power

Todays Workout - all using pro grade bells.

Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
16kg * 10/10 each arm
20kg * 10/10
24kg * 10/10
28kg * 10/10
32kg * 12/12
32kg * 12/12
32kg * 12/12

Double KB Snatch
16kg * 2 * 10
16kg * 2 * 10
20kg * 5 * 5 sets

Alternate Arm/Double KB Snatch
16kg * 10
16kg * 10 - Just mucking about with these

Double KB Jerks - Technique Work
20kg * 2 * 20 reps
20kg * 2 * 15 reps

Single Arm KB Snatch
24kg * 10/10 - 30 sec rest
Repeat for 5 sets to total 100 reps

Not a bad session today, woke up feeling like I was coming down with something so didnt fancy anything too demanding cardiovascularly.

This session fitted the bill perfectly.

Building up now to getting more work done on the "Beast" AKA my 40kg Pro Grade Kettlebell

Saturday 3 September 2011

Parasitic, Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

A few weeks ago I had an appointment with my physio for lower back tension.
During the treatment he asked me if I had been feeling tired to which I replied I had. While examining my body he pressed an area where my gall bladder was located and I winced with pain.

"Seems like you may have a bit of inflammation there" he said.
He asked me about my diet which is largely paleo based with fairly high healthy fat, protein and relatively low carb content. I said that I had been eating a few more eggs than I usually would along with a bit more steak. In addition the one vice I do have is for a nice cup of coffee or two!

He suggested I read into performing a gall bladder flush combined with parasitic and liver detox. He said he knew lots of people that did this once or twice per year and felt much better for doing so.

On his suggestion I bought a supplement called Paragone from here:- http://www.nutricentre.com/p-28966-paragone-90-caps30ml.aspx

This supplement is designed to improve gut health and try to eliminate parasites.

I ran the supplement at full strength for two weeks ensuring I drank 3 litres of water daily and stayed off all red meat, eggs and fatty foods. Paragone comes in two parts, a capsule and tincture to be taken at the same time away from food. The tincture is an acquired taste and over the two weeks I can safely say I visited the bathroom with greater frequency.

Once two weeks had been completed I spent 2 days following a liver detox using apples and organic apple juice. More information can be found here:- http://www.sensiblehealth.com/Journey-03.xhtml

On the first day from 8am - 8pm I ate nothing but apples (5 in total) and drank 1 litre of apple juice over the 12 hour period along with water. I also took a product from Reflex Nutrition called Anti Oxidant Collection which contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, a powerful detoxifier.

On the second day from 8am - 2pm I drank nothing but 1 litre of organic apple juice, water and ate apples (5 in total).

At 2pm I drank only water there after.
At 8pm I took 2 tsp of Epsom Salts in water followed an hour later by 120ml of cold pressed olive oil with 60ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice (these should be mixed together and drank quickly as its not pleasant.)

Once done I IMMEDIATELY went to be and lay/slept on my right side.

The apple contains high levels of malic acid which is said to help break down stagnant bile in the liver. Please note that people with cancer, candida yeast infection, diabetes, hypoglycemia or stomach ulcer should not use this apple juice fasting procedure because of the high sugar content in the apple juice.

The Epsom salts apparently serve to help dilate the bile duct to help any stones pass.

The olive oil reportedly serves to induce a strong gall bladder contraction which is said to help to expel any small stones.

On waking I drank 1 litre of warm water with half a lemon squeezed in and ate only fruit and vegetables for the rest of the day. Any stones present are supposed to pass during subsequent visits to the bathroom over the next few days.

There is some speculation as to whether this procedure actually does what it reports to, however, having done this myself I can say that I have noticed a significant increase in energy levels and sense of well being.Cravings for caffeine have significantly reduced to me not just "fancying" a coffee and the same is also true of fatty food. Seemingly I am also 1 kg lighter (most likely due to less "debris" in my intestines.)

Placebo effect? Certainly possible, either way, how I am feeling now is good, energised and healthy. So for me, that's a positive outcome.

Did I enjoy the process? Heck no. Eating nothing but apples, juice and water was very boring and was far from ideal in terms of blood sugar levels. The Epsom salts and drinking olive oil with lemon juice is pretty nasty too and did not make for a good nights sleep.

If you follow a Paleo based diet be aware of fat content and protein rich foods, it is easy to become a little lazy and rely on the same kinds of foods day in day out.

As with any "procedure" like this, do your own research and make informed decisions. Note the words above about apple juice and diabetics etc. This blog post is for information purposes only and is not produced for medical guidance or diagnosis/treatment of conditions. Consult with your GP if you have doubts.

Friday 2 September 2011

A Tale of Over Head Squat, Bulgarian Bag, Box Jumping and Burps

Training today:- Strength/Explosive Power

Over Head Squat
Bar * 10 * 2 sets
30kg * 10 * 2
40kg * 5 * 2
45kg * 5 * 2
50kg * 3 * 3

Each set was followed by:-
17kg Bulgarian Bag Spins performed with as much power as possible
24" Box Jumps 10 reps then dropping 1 rep per set of OH squats (10 - 1 reps)
10 Burpees with Jump and Clap

3 Minutes rest after the Burpees from weights 40kg - 50kg on the squats.

This was a tough session today.

Over head squat was limited by a combination of lack of snatch strength/technique and lat fatigue from the bag spins.

Took 45 minutes to complete and was a cracking session!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Kettlebells, Barbells and a Box

Trained today, nothing too serious as still recovering from the triathlon. I decided on a bit of a Met Con session with emphasis on Girevoy Sport.

Double Kettlebell Jerks (16kg * 2)
30 reps @ 10RPM/Rest 3 min
30 reps @ 10RPM/Rest 3 min
30 reps @ 10RPM/Rest 3 min

Speed Jerks (16kg * 2)
25 reps in 60 seconds/Rest 60
25 reps in 60 seconds

Barbell Deadlift/Box Jump
Weight was selected 80kg which is 5kg over body weight

10 Barbell Deadlifts/10 * 24" Box Jumps in 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5 times

Barbell Snatch
40kg * 5 / rest 90 seconds
Repeat 5 times

Barbell Military Press / Box Jump
40kg * 8 / 10 * 24" Box Jumps
Rest 60
Repeat 3 times

Nice session today, nothing too hard but challenging enough to make it feel like Ive had a great workout.

Monday 29 August 2011

Bexhill Sprint Distance Triathlon

Yesterday I took part in the Bexhill Triathlon - my first attempt at a full Triathlon (the last one I entered ended up being a Duathon due to rough seas) and something of an experiment...........

I am a firm believer in the effectiveness of Kettlebell and Bulgarian Bag training as ways of developing high levels of total body fitness which translates well to other sporting activities.

With this in mind I chose to opt for a Kettlebell and Bulgarian Bag only approach to the Triathlon, the only Tri specific training being 1 interval based running session per week for the 3 weeks leading into the event. That's right, no cycling and no swimming was done at all!

Historically I have been both a competitive swimmer (when I was a child/teenager) and competitive cyclist (from 1999 until 2003) but since then have hardly done anything of either.

The distances for the event were as follows:-

Swim 500m in the Sea
Bike 25km
Run 5km

The Big Day
The day started over cast and breezy, 250 competitors were ready to go and I was in the 3rd Wave. The sea conditions were choppy with a strong current running from right to left across the beach. The marker was a simple case of swim out and back.

After watching wave 1 go in and subsequently get washed along the beach meaning they had to swim back against the current to get around the marker I planned to start a little further up the beach and swim out and use the current to carry me over.

As I looked around at all the other competitors I was the only one in my group wearing a "shorty wetsuit". Mistake on my behalf? I would soon find out.

When the klaxon sounded we rushed into the sea, gasped at the cold and got stuck in.
Once I got into the water I became more aware that actually the sea was fairly rough and getting half way to the marker seemed to take an eternity.

Its a funny thing racing in the sea, you are acutely aware of breathing while trying to avoid a mouthful of salty water and trying to maintain a good stroke. It was essential to "sight" frequently to check the location of the buoy all at the same times as trying to avoid being kicked in the face by those around.

After a good 5 minutes of swimming hard I became more aware of feelings of the need to survive and not just race. I admit, there was a moments fear and thought of "I don't think I can do this" before letting the thought go, telling myself to just keep going and soldiering on.

On reaching the marker the beach looked a long way back and we were now swimming diagonally against the current trying to get back to shore.

Half way back I could feel my hands and arms getting numb and had to really focus on the "scoop" of my front crawl stroke to ensure I was swimming as effectively as possible.

Eventually I made it to shore and saw I was in the lead group with many still behind.

The Transition to Bike
I was so glad to get out of the sea and trying to get the taste of salt water out of my mouth I ran back to my bike ready for the bike leg. The bike I was riding was an old mountain bike with road tyres, not ideal but would do the job. Once my trainers were on, helmet done up, number displayed on my back I ran with my bike and jumped on.

To get rid of the taste of salt in my mouth I took an energy gel, an act that was later cause me issue.

It seemed to take an eternity for my legs to get going, they were just so cold and hamstrings and glutes felt tight. The bike leg had a series of drags and flats heading out into a slight head wind and coming back with the wind slightly behind, not that I noticed!

One of the issues I found after the swim was my legs just felt totally pumped. I wanted them to "spin" they wanted to drive.........I lost several places quickly and it became apparent that the gearing on my bike (relatively small front chain ring compared to a road bike) combined with lack of tri bars meant I would be struggling all the way round - and struggle I did.

My mind kept telling me to just soft pedal for a short while, yet my heart kept telling me to dig deeper. 9 times out of 10 my heart won but sometimes it felt good, oh so good to just stop the pain and free wheel for a few metres.

During the bike ride I drank 750ml of energy drink which was my second big mistake. The energy gel at transition had brought more fluid into my stomach and I felt more thirsty. Thus I drank.......

The Transition Bike to Run and Finish!
By the time I finished the bike I couldn't wait to get to the end. I racked my bike and left transition starting to run. Legs felt like lead and after 500m or so I felt incredibly uncomfortable. My stomach felt bloated and full to the point that I couldn't breathe deeply. I thought to myself that I had drank far too much and was now paying the price. The run out to the first marker was 1250m and into a slight breeze. Running back was into the sun with no breeze - oh how the sweat rolled.

The run was by far the least enjoyable section but purely down to my own doings........had my stomach been less full and able to empty correctly it would have been a much smoother ride.

Was I pleased with the result?

Yes I was, as I had proved that kettlebell and bulgarian bag training can carry you a long way for a multi sport endurance based event if your aim is to complete such an event over relatively short distances.

For those looking to put in faster times there is no substitute for sports specific training.
I now have my sights set on next year. Kettlebells and bags will again feature as a key part of my preparation but I will also ensure I do more in the way of Swim, Bike, Run training, practice transitions from one event to the next and look at getting a better bike!

Lessons learned, forward I move............

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Sustained High Tension Kettlebell Workout

Today I felt a little tired from the Bulgarian Bag workout yesterday so decided on a quick 30 minute session today. Main aim of the session was to develop my ability to maintain core tension while working through various planes of motion.

Round 1 - Semi Warm Up
5 minutes mobility bag drills


Bulgarian Bag Spins 10 reps each way / rest 30 seconds, repeat 5 times using 17kg bag

Round 2 - Kettlebell Turkish Get Up  - Constant Work
10 Minute set:
20kg * 5 each arm straight on to
24kg * 3 each arm, straight on to
28kg * 2 each arm, straight on to
28kg * 1 each arm twice

Round 3
Kettlebell Deep Static Held Lunge with Opposite Arm Shoulder Press while holding lunge / superset with Kettlebell Windmills
20kg Bell * 8 each side (press)
24kg * 5 each side Windmill
Repeat constant for 3 sets.

All done in 30 minutes.

Great session, very tough, had me sweating buckets by the end.

Highly recommended!

Monday 22 August 2011

Metabolic Conditioning

Todays workout was a quick Met Con session using highly dynamic exercises:

Round 1
Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg * 100 reps
2 min 45 seconds  - bag not allowed to be put down on the floor throughout.

Round 2
25 x 18" Box Jumps/rest 60 seconds
25 x 18" Box Jumps/rest 45 seconds
25 x 18" Box Jumps /rest 30 seconds
25 x 18" Box Jumps

Round 2
Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch 17kg * 100 reps
4 min 45 seconds - bag not allowed to be put down on the floor throughout

Round 4
24" Box Jumps * 10 /rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5 times to total 50 reps

Round 5
Bulgarian Bag Shoulder Throws 17kg * 100 reps
3 min 43 seconds  - bag not allowed to be put down on the floor throughout.

Round 6
Bulgarian Bag Get Up/Sit Up - 12kg
25 reps * 2 sets, 60 seconds rest between each

Round 7
Bulgarian Bag Spins 12kg * 50 reps * 2 sets - 30 seconds rest between.

Nice session today.

Bag spins felt sluggish mainly due to sore lats from Saturdays training session.

By far the toughest round was 100 Bulgarian Bag power snatches - total killer!

Saturday 20 August 2011

Muscular strength endurance, strength and conditioning session

Today I really didn't feel up for training after a long week of working however there was training to be done so a little espresso and I was ready to rock!

Double Kettlebell Jerks - 20kg * 2 bells
10 reps on
30 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times
Rest 2 minutes
Repeat to make 4 density sets in total and 200 reps.

Good work here, wasn't up for long continuous sets today and this fitted the bill perfectly. This was the most volume I have done with a pair of 20kg bells thus far.

Barbell Deadlift
60kg * 10
90kg * 10
110kg * 5
130kg * 5
150kg * 5
160kg * 3
170kg * 2

I haven't deadlifted in nigh on 2 months now so imagine my surprise when everything felt pretty damn easy! Just goes to show the effect of regular heavy kettlebell training and its ability to retain ones strength. As a comparison, before I got injured some 14 weeks ago my deadlift was in the region of 200kg on a very good day at 75kg body weight.

The 170kg was pretty easy with plenty of room to spare. 190 would have been on the cards for sure today.

Wide Grip Chins   Chin above bar every rep
8 reps * 5 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 12kg Bag
20 spins each way / rest 30 seconds
repeat for 5 sets to total 200 spins.

Great session and very very enjoyable. This is going to be a keeper session now as it worked very well together.

Thought I had turned my back on deadlifting, seems without the pressure of looming competitions I can enjoy the lifting rather than constantly chasing the numbers.

Feeling GOOD!

Monday 15 August 2011

1000 Rep Bulgarian Bag Workout

Today I attempted a 1000 rep workout using a 17kg Bulgarian Bag. The name of the game was to maximise calorific expenditure while increasing muscular endurance, power and cardiovascular fitness.

The session went as follows:-
Round 1  - 10 reps each of 10 exercises - warm up
Round 2 - 40 reps each of 10 exercises
Round 3  - 30 reps each of 10 exercises
Round 4 - 20 reps each of 10 exercises

The Exercises
Bulgarian Bag Spins (reps split evenly between spins to left and right)
Romanian Deadlift (Bag on shoulders)
Power Snatch
Twists (Bag on Shoulders)
Squat (Bag on Shoulders)
Military Press
High Pull (Using straps)
Push Ups on the bag
Shoulder Throws
Kipping Rows

Round 1
This acted as the warm up, 100 reps total and by the end had pulse rate up to 85% of maximum. Fairly easy start.

Rest 2 minutes

Round 2
40 reps of each exercise was incredibly tough. The first 2 exercises no bother, I found myself dreading the power snatches as the rounds went on and after that it was a case of hanging on. My body wanted to stop, but carry on I did and it took a while to do the 400 reps  - 17 minutes 12 seconds.

Rest 4 minutes

Round 3
By now the intensity of round 2 made me dread this next round. It was painful, challenging and everything felt like it was filled with lactic acid. Struggled on and completed in 12 minutes 42. Not a great time but thankful to get there!

Round 4
By now I just wanted it to be over! Core felt very fatigued as did arms and posterior chain. Rattled through this final round in 8 minutes 05 and spent the next 20 minutes lying around on the gym floor and generally waiting for some level of homeostasis to return!

Cool Down

This was a very tough workout indeed and a extremely challenging mental test. My heart rate monitor estimated a calorie burn of 600 within the 49 minutes or so it took to complete all the work/rest. An hour later and pulse rate is still elevated and metabolic rate is ticking over at a higher level.

One of the great applications of this type of workout is in increasing the bodies ability to tolerate and process lactic acid as due to the number of reps and exercises the lactate soon builds up and in large amounts. From then on in with each different exercise the muscles never fully manage to recover and fatigue is substantial.

This type of workout would be GREAT for anyone on a CKD as this type of workout should deplete glycogen stores FAST and bring about accelerate ketogenisis.

It will be a while before I do this workout again!

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Bulgarian Bag - Group PT Session

Tonight I ran a group Bulgarian Bag session and this is how it went.

Warm Up
Bag mopbility drills and body weight work.

Round 1
Power Snatch
Back Squat
High Pull
Kipping Row
50 seconds of each / 10 seconds rest then rest 60 seconds and repeat once more

Round 2
Spins 50/10sec
Push Ups 50/10sec
Squat to Over Head Press 50/10sec
Jump Squats 20 sec
Rest 60, repeat once more

Round 3
Spin 30/10sec
Front Raise 50/10
Walking Lunges to Press 50/10
Rest 60, repeat once more

Round 4
Get Up, Sit Up  - TABATA 20 seconds on, 10 off * 8

Round 5
Snatch, Catch, Squat * 60 seconds
Sprint 20M * 2
Snatch, Catch, Squat * 60 seconds
Rest 90, Repeat once more


Great session by everyone tonight. There will be some tired bodies tomorrow!

Bulgarian Bag - Training Session

Today I had 45 minutes spare to have a session with the ever formidable - Bulgarian Bag.

Prior to starting I was feeling a little tired so intended to just use a 12kg bag and get some blood flowing and to keep the session more cardiovascular - best made plans and all that.

Warm Up
Bag mobility drills, body weight exercises - 5 minutes total.

Round 1 - 12kg Bag
Bag Spins * 40
18" Box Jumps * 20
Rest 30 sec
Repeat 5 times

Round 2 - 17kg Bag
Bag Spins * 10 reps each way
Bag Power Snatch * 10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Round 3 - 17kg Bag
Bag Straps High Pull 45 seconds
Bag Squats 45 seconds
Bag Kipping Row 45 seconds
Straight through, no rest.
Then rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times total.

Round 4 - 17kg Bag
Side Lateral Arm Throws 10 reps each side
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Great little session today. Round 1 was great fun, really got the pulse up and no grip issues. The 12kg bag feels pretty light for spins now, could have done more reps if time available wasnt a factor.

Very nice session

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Seriously Tough Session

Today I woke up feeling a bit tired and didnt expect much from todays workout. However, I got my mind in the zone and ended up having a cracker of a session.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility - 12kg Bag

Double KB Jerks
16kg(2)*10 reps
16kg (2)*10 warm up sets done.

20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 90 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 120 seconds
20kg(2) * 20 / rest 120 seconds

Suspension Trainer Ring Pull Ups from Dead Hang

Kettlebell Bear Complex (20kg*2) / 18" Box Jump Super Set
Double kettlebell clean, squat, press, back squat, press, bent row * 2, deadlift * 2 - back to back exercises to flow into one complex.

Then straight onto 10 box jumps.
This was performed every 90 seconds, the faster I went, the more rest received.

Repeat for 5 rounds

Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 20R/20L
20kg * 20R/20L

15 mins stretching.

Good session today.
Jerks felt suprisingly good but on the final set the last 2 reps were push presses - just no juice left in the delts.

Ring pull ups - first time of doing these are a keeper. Very tough and works biceps very hard. Those looking for better guns, look NO FURTHER than this exercise!

Kettlebell bear complex was fun and tough work with the box jumps. Held back on the jumps as last time they aggravated my knee - seemed ok today so will build up to 24" block from here on it.

Excluding the warm up and cool down the session took 60 mins to complete. A great days work.

Monday 1 August 2011

More Bulgarian Bag Action

Training today as follows:-

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag (12kg) forward/side bends, good mornings, shoulder press, row, squat, halo, power snatch, spins

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test- 17kg Bag
10 spins right, 10 spins left, 10 push ups - repeat 5 times as fast as possible.

TIME:- 3min 08 seconds - Dissapointing

Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg Bag
15 each way, 45 sec rest
15 each way, 45 sec rest
15 each way, 45 sec rest
12 each way, 45 sec rest - grip becoming an issue so reduced volume
12 each way, 45 sec rest

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch (12kg) / KB Squat to Press (8kg * 2)
10 reps power snatch, 10 thrusters - repeat 3 times fast
Rest 2 mins
Repeat once more
Pulse at the end, 170bpm!

Handstand Push Ups
4 reps, 4 reps, 3 reps
This was my second attempt at these the biggest issue being getting into a handstand against the wall - got some work to do here as had 20+ attempts at getting into position!

Bulgarian Bag Press/High Pull/Squat
45 seconds/15 seconds rest for each exercise.
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 3 times total.

Great session today. The spin test was below par, wanted sub 3 mins but just wasnt there today mainly due to grip issues.

Friday 29 July 2011

Bulgarian Bag Training

First of today's mini sessions starts with the incredible Bulgarian Bag.

Today I chose to use a 12kg bag as grip is a little fatigued due to carrying lots of heavy kettlebells in the last few days for boot camp.

Warm Up
Forward Bends, Side Bends, Good Mornings, Presses, Halos, Squats, Groinals, Hip Flexor Stretches, Rows all done with the bag  - 10 minutes total.

Power Snatch / Lateral Arm Throw Sequence
10 Power snatches, 5 side lateral arm throws to each side, repeat twice non stop
Rest 90 seconds, repeat 3 times total.

Round time 1 min 50 each time.

Bulgarian Bag Spin
10 Spins each way repeated twice non stop (40 spins total)
Rest 45 seconds
Repeat twice more

10 spins each way, repeated 3 times non stop (60 spins total)
Rest 60 seconds

10 Spins each way, repeated 4 times non stop (80 spins total) - needed to reset grip with bag on shoulders.
Rest 90 seconds

10 Spins each way, repeat 3 times non stop, (60 spins), drop bag, shake out hands, 10 each way again, drop bag, shake out hands, 10 each way again for a total of 100 spins and hands that no longer grip!

This was a tough session and it needed to be - the weight is not a problem, grip endurance is.

The last set of spins required a great deal of will power to keep going as my hands were just so fatigued and painful.

Great little session........40 minutes total.

More to come later.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Todays Training

I had a 3 day break after my visit last friday to Optimal Life Fitness and came back to training today as follows:-

Warm Up
15 Minutes of Mobility Work

Double Kettlebell Jerks
8, 12, 16, 20, 16, 12, 8kg bells - 10 reps each, no rest.

Work Sets
Double Kettlebell Jerks
24kg Bells * 10 reps/2 mins rest * 3 sets
16kg Bells * 2 mins (13RPM/26R) / 2 Min rest * 3 sets

Turkish Get Up 10 Minute Set
16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 28, 24, 20, 16kg Bells, 1 rep each arm constant work - 9min 57 seconds to complete.

Figure of 8 with Catch
16kg Bell * 2 mins (50 reps) / rest 1 minute / repeat 3 times

Renegade Rows
16kg Bells 5 reps each side / 30 seconds rest * 5 sets

Bulgarian Bag Spin (loosener)
12kg Bag * 50 reps (25 each way) * 2 sets


Delts felt tired today and was a little unstable over head on the lockout with the pairs of 24's.
Thought I had recovered from Friday but obviously not. I suspect the plyo clap push ups are to blame for the extended muscle trauma.

The Turkisg Get Ups were good fun for 10 minutes, the down sets after the 32kg bell was hard work and shoulder stability was becoming increasingly hard to maintain.

The figure of 8 with catch are a good fun conditioning move, works the core well and gets the pulse up pretty high. Mine was 160BPM by the end of 2 mins with a 16kg bell.

Optimal Life Fitness Warrior Session

As per my last post, here is some video footage of what went on at the superb Optimal Life Fitness Facility last friday!

Friday 22 July 2011

Mash Up and Optimal Life Fitness Facility

Today I made a 120 mile round trip to train at the incredible Optimal Life Fitness centre in Hither Green with Top PT Stuart Amory and big dog JonnyXF (didnt get your surname!)

We had each designed a 5 and 10 minute round each designed to test every aspect of our physical fitness and mental toughness.

It went down like this:-

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag Mobility Work

Round 1 - Matt's 5 Minute
Bulgarian Bag Spin Test
10 spins each way, 10 push ups * 5 as past as possible. Chest to tough the bag.

Matt 17kg Bag 3min 05 seconds, which was a 8 second PB, a sub 3 minute time looms closer!
Stuart 17kg Bag 3 min 47 seconds, damn good for a first go with the 17!
Jonny 12kg Bag 3 min 53 and another great first time at spinning the bag!

Round 2 - Jonny's 5 Minute
Oly Bar loaded to 30kg Total
Stiff Leg Deadlift
Bent Row
Upright Row
Military Press
Over Head Squat
Back Squat
Over Head Squat
Military Press
Upright Row
Bent Row
Stiff Leg Deadlift - 4 reps of each, as many times through as possible.

This was bloomin brutal, mainly due to the combination of Military Press and Overhead Squat. Jonny, you're MEAN!

Round 3 - Stu - 10 minute (and then some!)
HIRTS Trainer Sprints, Kettlebell Snatch, Bulgarian Bag Spin
2 Sprints against resistance to touch marker
2 Snatches each arm
2 spins each way
4 of each, 6 of each, 8 of each, 10 of each. Stu completed the first section then rested while Jonny and I went, then Stu started on the 4 of each while we rested and so forth.

This was sheer BRUTALITY in exercise form. Caning calves, burning lungs, mashed core and a body that just didnt want to spin the bag while still gasping for air. BRILLIANT!

Round 4 - Matt 10 Minute
2 Kettlebell TGU each arm
3 Windmills each arm
25 kettlebell swings, repeat non stop for 10 minutes.

This worked out as 3 times through plus a bit extra. Very different than the cardio blast from Stu's round. This was difficult in so much as the constant body tension and control was very waring combined with the brief conditioning set of swings. I will be doing more of this in my own training. I used a 20 but think a 24 is in order next time.

Round 5 - Jonny 10 Minute
10 Barbell Hang Clean and Press
8 explosive push ups with clap
Go every 2mins 30 without fail for 4 sets.

A great power based round, the rest was much needed after the combination of shoulder pressing and explosive push ups!

We ran out of time there - thankfully!

An incredible session with a couple of great guys. We will be having more of this in the very near future!

Now time for a lovely little ice bath!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Muscular Endurance and Power

I came into training today after having a good two days recovery and good job too as today's session ended up being one of the hardest I have done.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag Mobility

Double KB Jerks
16kg * 10
20kg * 10
24kg * 12 (90 seconds)
20kg * 25 (3 mins)
16kg * 40 (3min 30)

Turkish Get Up
28kg * 2 each arm constant followed straight away by

28kg * 3 each side

Turkish Get Up
24kg * 1 * 5 each side (constant work alternating arms after each rep)

Ring Push Up (feet same height as rings) / Kettlebell Bent Row Superset Ladder
This was performed as:-
1 Push Up / 1 Row with 24kg * 2 kettlebells
2 Push Ups / 2 Rows
3 Push Ups / 3 Rows etc until 10 of each was done. Minimal rest in as fast a time as possible.

Time 8min 01 seconds
Pulse at the end was 175 and can safely say that was one of the most intense pairings I have ever done. Painful does not do it justice.

Kettlebell Swings
20kg * 20 reps * 5 sets done on the minute every minute.

By the time the swings came round it was game over. Shattered but thrilled with such a good session.

Jerks felt good today and the TGU and windmills were there to enhance shoulder stability/strength through full ROM.

Great session 1hr 15 mins + 15 min warm up

Saturday 16 July 2011

Kettlebell Jerks + assistance

Todays Training:-

Warm up using lighter bells and Bulgarian Bag

Work Sets

Double Kettlebell Jerks
24's * 3 reps with 30 seconds held locked out over head after each rep
20's * 10 reps with 5 seconds lockout hold after each rep
16's * 30 reps - 4 minutes 23 seconds (plenty more reps left in the tank)

Single Arm kettlebell Jerks
24kg * 12/12
28kg * 12/12
28kg * 12/12

Kettlebell Swings
24kg * 20 reps
28kg * 11 reps going every 45 seconds for 10 sets

Wide Grip Chins
Descending Ladder 8-1 reps with decreasing rest time.

Nice session today, shoulder a bit tired so time for a few days off over head work. Will perform jerks again on Tuesday most likely.

Swings were tough, pulse rate at the top of each set with the 28's was 152 and never dropped below 144 for the whole 10 sets.

Friday 15 July 2011

35 minute workout, the intense way!

Wasnt up for much training today due to some serious leg soreness going on from yesterdays squats.

Earlier this afternoon:-

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 17kg Bag
10 spins each way, 10 push ups * 5 in under 3 min 30

New PB 3min  13 seconds

90 minutes later

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 12kg Bag
As above

New PB 2min 45 seconds 

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch - 17kg
20 reps
Hand on bag, push up position, chest 1" off bag - hold for 30 seconds
Repeat 5 times non stop

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up
20kg * 5 each side non stop
24kg * 3 each side non stop
28kg * 2 each side non stop and new PB

Great little session and please with several PB's. Not bad for 35 minutes work!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Kettlebell Jerking and more

Trained jerks again today after yesterdays personal best with a pair of 16's for 50 reps without too much bother.

Wanted to go heavier today so I did!

Double Kettlebell Jerks 20kg * 2
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes
10 reps in 1 minute, rest 30 seconds
Dropped down to 16kg bells
20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

20 reps in 2 minutes/rest 2 minutes

Single Arm Snatch
20kg * 10 right/10 left, 10 right, 10 left no rest
16kg * 35 right/35 left

Single Arm Strict Press
24kg * 5 right/5 left * 3 sets

Suspension Trainer Push Ups (feet raised to same height as handles)/KB Row Super Set
10 push ups / 12 rows with a pair of 20kg bells * 3 sets

Suspension Trainer Horizontal Knee Pull Ins (abs)
15 reps
15 reps
12 reps

Bulgarian Bag Spins (loosener 12kg)
40 reps * 2 sets

Long hard session tonight as going out for a meal with friends tonight.

The jerks felt good but soon fatigued after the 3rd set of 20 reps. Could definately tell id done 150 reps of jerks yesterday.

Snatches felt awful, grip was terrible and could hardly open hand to punch on the later reps, suspect tight traps/rotator cuff muscles may be to blame.

Rest of the session was good but feel exhausted now. Including warm up and cool down, 90 minutes.

Saturday 9 July 2011

1000kcal workout

Todays workout as follows:-

Kettlebell Single Arm Jerk - 25kg Bell (numbers listed each arm)
10/10 last set done with 5 seconds pause over head between all reps

Kettlebell 2 Handed Swing
24kg Bell * 30
24kg * 30
24kg * 30
28kg * 10 reps going every 45 seconds for 10 sets (100 reps)

Kettlebell Windmill
16kg * 10/10
24kg * 5/5
28kg * 3/3

2 Handed Anyhow (24 and 16kg Bells)
1 rep each arm

Kettlebell Single Arm Girevoy Sport Clean- 24kg Bell
20/20/15/15/10/10 long set

Concept 2 Rower - 500M Intervals
Easy 500m : 1min 45
Hard 500M : 1min 37 PB
Easy 500M : 2min

Job done.

Average heart rate was 143, Kcal burnt during 1hr 20 min workout time 1000kcal.

Need to work on over head lockout shoulder endurance hence the single arm jerks and windmills.

28kg swings posed no issue, after each set pulse was up to 155bpm.

GREAT session.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Muscular Endurance/Conditioning

I trained today, wasnt feeling hugely energetic but gave it my best shot as always.

Warm Up - Bulgarian Bag
Presses, Front Bends, Side Bends, Good Mornings, Halos, Over Head Presses, Kipping Rows, Spins, Power Snatches

Kettlebell Snatch - 16kg
32reps each hand to failure
25 reps each hand
20 reps each hand
15 reps each hand - all to failure
This was a 10 minute set - non stop, changing hands when grip failed.
Was dissappointed to only hit 32reps first time - think my chest is a bit tight from benching on Tuesday which may have affected it.

Double KB Jerks 16kg * 2
4 sets of 2 minutes - 25 reps each time.
Rest ranged from 90 seconds after the first set to 3 minutes after the third.
The last two sets HURT.

Single Arm Swings 20kg
15 reps each side - hated them, hands not liking it - abandoned.

Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch 12kg Bag
100 reps done in 6min 28 seconds.
Not fast by any means and fatigue kicking in by now.

Bulgarian Bag Kipping Row 17kg Bag
30 seconds flat out, 60 seconds rest
Repeat 5 times

Reps ranged from 30 on the first set to 23 by the 5th.

Workout time 55 minutes.

Definately struggled today due to lack of calories and also fatigue still present from benching on Tuesday.
Still a good session though and place to work from.

Need to be hitting 50 reps though on the snatches with the 16 before having to switch.

Sunday 3 July 2011

Kettlebell Conditioning

After a superb workout yesterday I decided on more conditioning work today split into 2 sessions:-

Session 1
Double Kettlebell Jerks
(16kg * 2) 10 reps for 10 sets, every minute on the minute

Average completion time was 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest.
Was tough by the end - HR up to 165

Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch -16kg
60 seconds each arm (18 reps each arm)
Rest 90 seconds
90 seconds each arm (25 reps each arm)
Rest 2 mins
2 mins each arm (32 reps each arm)

This was tough, had a very hard job to hold onto the bell by the end, weight no issue, just grip.

Bulgarian Bag 10 minute BLAST
12kg Bag alternating between Spins and Power Snatches

12 spin each way, rest 20 - 30 seconds
12 Power snatches, rest 20 - 30 seconds
Keep going for 10 mins or 100kcal burnt off on the HR monitor

Session 2
2*32kg Kettlebell Farmers Walk
9kg Slam Ball

Walk the kettlebells 20M out and 20M back, slam the ball 10 times - full extension over head to full flexion through the core, repeat 4 times no rest.

Rest 3 mins

Repeat a further 2 times.

Session 2 was an absolute killer, grip was struggling after the snatching and bag work earlier and the slams are just plain horrible when done with maximum power and fast pace.

Finished off with 30 min sports massage and contrast shower.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Todays Mish Mash

Was well up for a good training session today - planned in hitting some good deadlifts and conditioning.

Deadlift - eact followed by 20* 18" Box Jumps
Bar * 20
60kg * 10 * 2
130 * 5
150 * 5
170 * 3
190 * 1 couldnt move it due to knee pain when sinking hips - deadlifts aborted.

Kettlebell Snatch - 20kg Bell
20 each arm * 3 sets

Suspension Atomic Push Ups/Bulgarian Bag Spins 17kg
10 Push Ups
10 Spins each way
10 Push Ups
10 Spins each way

Rest 90 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Not a great session today. Knee injury from a few weeks back is still at large, pain when dropping the hips and about to push and extend the thigh. Its not muscular, feels bone/connective tissue based.

The 170*3 was much harder than it should have been given the week off I have had. 2nd Injury of the year and starting to question my longevity in competitive powerlifting.

I have a yearning to leave it behind and perhaps try a Kettlebell Sport Comp. Been really feeling motivated by more muscular endurance/power/conditioning work recently and am contemplating breaking away from something that has been part of my identify for a good few years now..........I will mull further.

The atomic push ups/heavy bag spin combo was an absolute killer.........especially the grip.

Resting now until saturday when I will be doing some kind of swings in some kind of fashion....

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Training Today - Strength/Power

Training day was a bit of a mixed session - fancied doing a bit but not too much.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility drills

Kettlebell Snatch Test 16kg Bell
As fast as possible, good form, full lockout, change hands whenever.

3 min 34 seconds. Personal Best by 2 seconds.

Close Grip Bench
40kg * 12
60 * 8
80 * 5
100 * 1
110 * 1
115 * 1

100 * 3 * 3 speed work really.

Single Arm Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
24kg Bell * 10 each arm
24kg * 10/10
24kg * 10/10

Bulgarian Bag Spins
17kg Bag 10 spins each way * 3 sets

Bulgarian Bag MAX Test
12kg Bag - 100 spins as fast as possible (50 each way) switch directions whenever DO NOT PUT THE BAG DOWN. Grip must be changed with bag on shoulders:-

TIME:- 2min 03 seconds

Nice little session today, mixture of strength and power.

Saturday 25 June 2011

Strength/Muscular Power Endurance Session

Trained today, first session back after 6 days off training and purely hiking.

Warm Up
Wall Squats 3 * 5
OH Squat 20kg * 3 * 5 reps
Bulgarian Bag Forward Bends, OH Press, Twist, Spins

Bench Press
Bar * 20 * 3 sets
40 * 10
60 * 5 * 2 sets
80 * 5
100 * 5
112.5 * 2 * 3 sets (90% 1RM)
112.5 * 1 * 2 sets (90% 1RM)

Close Grip Bench Press/Wide Grip Chin Super Set
90kg * 3 sets of 5 / Chins Body * 3 sets of 8

AST Strap Suspension Push Ups - Feet on Bench
Body Weight * 13, 11, 10

Single Arm Strict Shoulder Press
24kg * 3 reps each arm
28kg * 3 reps each arm
28kg * 5 reps each arm

Chins Again!
Body * 8, 7, 5 need to work on these bloomin things!

Bench Jumps onto a 20" Bench
TABATA 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off * 8 rounds

2 min Rest

Slam Ball (9kg) Slams - Full Extension onto Toes Every Rep
TABATA 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off * 8 rounds

15 mins stretch to finish.

Ended up being a bit of a monster session today.
Benching felt a little sluggish but thats the week off with less than ideal nutrition. I actually lost 2lb while I was away last week so strength was always going to be down today.

Pleased with the kettlebell pressing - 40kg for a couple of reps is the long term goal here.

Right knee not great, medial side to the side of the knee cap somewhat tender in certain postions - squatting is certainly out this week and seeing physio thursday to see whats what.


Saturday 18 June 2011

Final training session before de-load

Training Today - last session before having a much needed week off.

Bar x 10
60 x 5
90 x 5
110 x 3
130 x 1
140 x 4 lost line but wanted 5
150 x 1
150 x 1
130 x 3 knee hurting left it there

Bar x 10
60 x 5
80 x 3
100 x 1
110 x 1
120 x 1
125 x F
105 x 5
100 x 5
95 x 5

Rack Pull Knee Height
100 x 10
130 x 5
150 x 5
170 x 3
190 x 1
200 x 1
210 x 1
215 x 1

100 x 8
120 x 8
140 x 5
150 x 5

Not a bad session. Wanted heavier squat nut felt tired today after manic 2 weeks working.
Have a bit of inflammation behind the patella so was painful coming to depth on squat, decided leave it at 150 for the day.

Not happy that I missed 125 on the bench, just couldn't lock out.

Deadlifting good.

Definitely time for a rest and re group. No training next week and will start back lighter when back from holiday.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

30 Minutes of Madness

Very busy day today, needed to do some form of training to keep myself sane and prime my metabolic rate.

I have been pretty sore after my deadlifting on Monday so had to keep it basic and use less weight that I wanted to.

Warm Up
Bulgarian Bag mobility work (spins, good mornings, presses, power snatches, squats, twists) 5 minutes

Kettlebell Swing TABATA
24KG Kettlebell
20 seconds work (12 reps), 10 seconds rest * 8 sets

Single Arm Kettlebell Jerk
24kg Kettlebell

10 reps each side done in 60 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Repeat for 5 sets until 100 reps done.

Bulgarian Bag Spins - 17kg Bag
10 spins each way, 30 seconds rest
Repeat for 8 sets

Job done.

Swings got heart rate up to 170 by the end of the last set. Lower back still a tad sore so had to avoid using the 28kg bell which id intended to use.

Single Arm Jerks were hard work on this work to rest ratio. Good though.

The bag spins, well these felt very "fluid" - it seems 8 sets is the new 5 sets in so much as I get minimal grip fatigue now on 8 sets and even though my pulse rate is right up there in the 170's there is still plenty more in the tank.

Great little session.

Friday 10 June 2011

Bench Training and Fun Lifting

Trained today with a good friend. Bench training was the main goal with assistance exercises.

I went as follows (all weights in KG)
Bench Press
Bar * 10
40 * 10
60 * 5
60 * 5
80 * 3
100 * 1
110 * 1
115 * 3 PB
105 * 5
100 * 5

Close Grip Bench
90 * 5
100 * 3
110 * 1
115 * 1 PB

Chest Supported Rows
40 * 20
60 * 10 * 3

Slosh Ball (30kg) Cleans
10 reps * 3 sets

Slosh Ball (30kg) Shouldering
5 reps each side * 3 sets

Slosh Ball Clean and Press (30kg)
1 rep * 3 sets

Slosh Ball Squats (30kg)
1 set of 10 reps

Alternate Dumbell Curls 
16kg * 2 * 8 reps * 2 sets

Great session today, benching not as sharp as it could be but then it was never going to be after that long single arm kettlebell clean and jerk (10 mins * 20kg bell * 80reps) set done yesterday.

Happy to squeeze out a PB close grip bench (hands 15" apart)

The Slosh Ball is great fun and a real challenge, especially trying to get it over head. It requires a combination of strength, power and stability as well as cardio conditioning by the end. A great product which I will review at a later date.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Squat and Deadlift Training

Todays training session:- (All weights in KG)

Squat (Legal Powerlifting Depth - Hip joint break parallel with top of knee)
Bar * 10 * 2 sets
60 * 5 * 5 sets
80 * 5
100 * 5
120 * 3
130 * 1 (belt on)
140 * 1
150 * 1
150 * 1
150 * 1
130 * 5
120 * 6

Reverse Band Deadlifts
100 * 10
100 * 10
150 * 3
180 * 3
200 * 1
212.5 * 1
215 * 1 Personal Best

Stiff Leg Deadlifts
120 * 8
130 * 5
140 * 5

Kettlebell 2 Hand Swings
24kg * 20 * 5 sets

Not a bad session today.
Had to take squats a little easy as had a little knee pain when in the hole - need to give my right Rec Fem a good massaging I suspect.

Band Pulls felt good - these are using mini bands and take approx 60kg off the bottom of the lift but by knee height the bands are fully deloaded and so its the weight on the bar for lockout.

Stiff legs were solid too and finished with kettlebell swings to loosen off.

Monday 6 June 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Intensity Insanity!

For those looking for inspiration for a boot camp session or their own conditioning session I can highly recommend this little workout:-

Warm Up
10 Mins Mobility/Dynamic Stretching

Round 1
Kettlebell Swings (2 hand) 90 seconds on, 45 seconds rest * 3 sets

Round 2
Kettlebell Clean from the Floor 10 reps each side
Kettlebell Clean with single arm swing 5 reps each side
Single Arm Kettlebell Press 5 reps each side
Compete as quick as possible with good technique

Go every 2 minutes without fail for 3 rounds

Round 3
Push Ups 30 seconds
Squats 30 seconds
Reverse Lunges 30 seconds
Hindu Push Ups 30 seconds
As many reps as possible.
Rest 90 seconds, repeat 3 times

Round 4
Extended Ab Crunches - 3 sets of 10 reps with LONG contraction at the top, 30 seconds recovery.

Round 5
Deadlift to High Pull 15 reps
Single Arm Swing 10 reps each side
Alternating Jump Lunges 16 reps

Go every 2 minutes without fail, repeat fr 3 rounds.

10 minutes stretching to finish.

A VERY tough session - try it.

Bench Press Training and Assistance Work

Today was heavy bench day and it went as follows:-

(All weights listed in kg/reps/sets)

Bench Press
Bar * 20*2 sets
40 * 10
60 * 5
70 * 3
80 * 3
100 * 1
110 * 1
120 * 1
120 * 1
125 * 1 equal Personal Best
105 * 5
100 * 8

Close Grip Bench Press

Kettlebell Single Arm Clean and Press
20kg * 10 each arm
24kg * 10 each side * 2 sets

Wide Grip Chins (Body weight 77kg)
8 + 3 negatives

Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
20kg * 10 each side * 5 sets

Good session today. Decided to test max lift and equalled my personal best from that at the British Champs back in March so back to full strength.

Solid and pleasing session today.

Thursday 26 May 2011

Bench Press and Assistance Work

Today's session was Bench press focus and assistance exercises to help develop my competitive bench.

After warming up the session went as follows:-

Bench Press (all weights in KG)
Bar * 20
40 * 10
60 * 5
60 * 5
80 * 3
90 * 3
100 * 1
110 * 1
115 * 1
120kg * 1 strong and smooth rep with 2 second pause on chest.
100 * 8
100 * 8

Close Grip Bench
90kg * 5
90 * 5
90 * 5

Wide Grip Chins
Body (76kg) * 12
Body * 12

Bent Kettlebell Rows
20kg * 12 * 3 sets

Single Arm Strict Kettlebell Shoulder Press
16kg * 15 each side
20kg * 10 each side
24kg * 10 each side

Kettlebell Dead Floor Stop Snatch
20kg * 5 each side
20kg * 5 each side
24kg * 5 each side

Dumbell Curls
16kg * 8 * 3 sets

Rotator Cuff work using a mini woody band.

Great session today and almost baclk to full strength. The 120kg bench rep was smooth without issue. At least another 5 kg there.

Feeling great!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Conditioning - The Hard Way

Fancied a quick 30 minute session today to get the blood pumping and muscles throbbing....

Try this on for size:-

Bulgarian Bag Spin Test 12kg Bag
10 Spins each way
10 push ups
Under 3 min 30

Time taken 2min 54 and new PB

Kettlebell Single Arm Clean and Push Press
10 Each Side
Bulgarian Bag Power Snatch
10 Reps

Go every 3 minutes, repeat for 3 rounds.
I averaged 2 min 20

Bulgarian Bag Lateral Throws
10 to Right, 10 to Left
Rest 30 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Bulgarian Bag Circuit
10 Arm Throws
10 Power Snatches
10 OH Press
10 Push Ups
10 Spins each way.

Rest 60 seconds, repeat 3 times.

Great little session today, metabolic rate feels nicely stimulated. Sports massage later. Life is good!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Todays Kettlebell Workout

Today was the first time I have intended to do any Kettlebell Long Cycle in over 8 weeks due to a shoulder impingement injury.

All seems ok now so here goes:-

Double Kettlebell Long Cycle (Clean and Jerk) 
16kg Bells

20 reps * 3 sets (3 minutes each)
30 reps on final set in 4 minutes

Double Kettlebell Jerks Technique Work
16kg Bells

10 reps * 2 sets

Kettlebell Swings - 24kg Bell

1 min 15 = 45 reps
1 min 15 = 45 reps
1 min 15 = 45 reps all with 90 sec rest between each.

Kettlebell Windmills
16kg * 5 each side
20kg * 5 each side
24kg * 8 each side.

Tough session today, Long Cycle was good and got me puffing. More reps were there but gently does it at this stage.

Swings were tough and 1min 15 is a new work period for me, will gradually add to this. Would be good to reach 100 reps with good form in 1 set.

Windmills were getting hard mainly due to shoulder fatigue from all of the over head work earlier in the session.

Body weight this morning a trim 77kg.

Monday 16 May 2011

SUPER Intense Training Session

I had a very quick yet intense training session today as follows:-

Challenge 1 - 20kg Kettlebell
5 snatches left, 5 snatches right
5 cleans left, 5 cleans right
10 presses left, 10 presses right

Performed as quick as possible, going every 2 minutes, repeat for 5 rounds.

Next up was a little technique work:-

24kg Kettlebell Snatches
10 left/10 right * 3 sets with 45 seconds rest between each

Challenge 2 - 24kg Kettlebell, 12kg Bulgarian Bag
Two handed swings * 15
Deadlift to High Pull * 15
Bulgarian Bag Spins * 10 spins each way

Rest 45 seconds, repeat 4 times.

Challenge one was good, hard work but good fun. Challenge 2 was a different ball game. This was a HORRIBLE round purely due to the demands on grip. By the end I struggled to hold onto the bag and pulse rate was through the roof.

A great little session!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp Testimony

I recently received a lovely testimony from a current member of Eastbourne Boot Camp. Read on to find out about the dramatic changes that could occur to you too by attending Eastbourne Boot Camp!

Testimony – Matt Shore, Eastbourne Boot Camp.

It is not difficult for me to write a glowing testimony for Matt, and how he has helped me to achieve massive weight loss, lifestyle changes and an all round  improvement to my fitness and health,  what is difficult is quite how to put this into words.

I started at Matts Eastbourne Boot Camps in January 2011, and was really nervous about what was in store. From the initial session, and all the other “boot-campers” warm welcome and encouragement, within a week (3 sessions) I was hooked and started to notice positive changes. I actually enjoyed it.

I am now into my 16th week, and have today hit a 12 stone weight target that I have not seen for almost 30 years. I have now lost 3 stone with Matts help and encouragement. But it’s not just weight loss that Matt manages to achieve. My whole feeling of well being is enhanced, and his supportive, encouraging yet professional style makes the sessions both challenging but great fun – honestly!

If you think you want to train, for whatever reason, you do not really fancy the gym environment, you want to have fun doing it, and you want to see and achieve positive results from that training, then I can honestly say you could not do better than join Matt at his Boot Camps. Everyone at them is supportive, encouraging and fun to train with, it’s all done outdoors which even through the winter was no problem at all, and best of all, Matts style is just perfect.

I cannot thank you enough Matt.

Andy Magin (Age 56)

Saturday 7 May 2011

Todays Training

Trained Today as follows:- (All weights in KG, numbers listed as weight * reps)

Bar * 30 reps
40 * 10
60 * 10
60 * 10 (was meant to be 5 but forgot)
70 * 1
80 * 1
90 * 10
90 * 10
90 * 10

Close Grip Bench
70 * 8
70 * 6
70 * 6

High Bar Squats
Bar * 10
60 * 5
60 * 5
90 * 5
110 * 5
120 * 3
130 * 3
130 * 3
130 * 3
100 * 10

Chest Sup Rows
40 * 20
60 * 10
70 * 5
70 * 5
70 * 5

Power Cleans
40 * 10
50 * 5
50 * 5
50 * 5

Alt DBell Curls
11 * 12
13.5 * 10
16 * 8
16 * 8

Barbell Curls
30 * 8
30 * 8

Fancied a bit of a "fun" lighter session today. Back wasnt feeling on top form after a 30 minute run yesterday, just a bit tight so stayed away from dead lifting. Will do my back good to rest a week anyway.

Benching - pleased with 90kg * 10 * 3 as been after 10 reps for a few weeks now.

High Bar Squats - Solid and felt ok, good depth just a little lacking in Pizzaz.

The rest was just what I fancied really.

No set structure this week for training, maybe some speed pulls tuesday and kettlebell work then start in ernst again next weekend with a new phase.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Lessons in Intensity!

Tonights Eastbourne Boot Camp was well attended and boot campers experienced a very tough session as follows:-

Round 1
Single Arm Kettlebell Thrusters Tabata - 5 min set

Round 2
Alternating Single Arm Kettlebell Swings 60 sec
Plymetric Jump Squat 30 sec
Deadlift to Upright Row 60 sec
Rest 60 sec and repeat twice more

Round 3
Double KB Floor Press 60 sec
Short Course Shuttle Sprints

3 times through, continuous!

Round 4
Partner Windsreen Wipers, 60 sec each * 2

Round 5
Single Arm Cleans 30 sec each side
2 Handed Swing 60 sec
Single Arm Row with 5 second hold at end 30 sec each side.


Well done to everyone who attended, you gave it 110% and Im proud of ya!

Saturday 2 April 2011

Spring Sunshine Boot Camp

Eastbourne Boot Camp today was a killer session for the advanced group which went as follows:-

Round 1
Side Step Swinging
45 seconds on, 15 off * 5

Round 2
Kettlebell Squat
Upright Row Super Set
30, 45, 60, 90 second work periods each exercise, 30 seconds rest

Round 3
Single Arm Lunge to Press
45 seconds on 15 off switch legs 
Jog Perimeter
Repeat 3 times each side

Round 4
Alternating single arm swing 60 sec
C+P R 60 sec
C+P L 60 sec
Repeat twice no rest

Round 5
Figure of 8 - 60 seconds
Pass Round 30 seconds
Figure of 8 - 60 seconds

Stretch off, Collapse.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Eastbourne Boot Camp - Latest Session

Last night was Eastbourne Boot Camp night and 12 budding boot campers were chomping at the bit and ready for a hard core workout.

The session went as follows:-

5 Minute warm up including mobility drills and body weight exercises.

Round 1
Kettlebell Sumo Squat to High Pull 60 seconds
Saggital Rope Hops 30 seconds
Kettlebell Swing 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds, Repeat 3 times.

Round 2
Burpees with Jump and Clap 60 seconds
Lateral Rope Hops 30 seconds
Jumping Alternate Lunges 30 seconds
Mid Point Pulse Squats 30 seconds
Jog 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds, Repeat 3 times.

Round 3
Kettlebell Single Arm Strict Press 45 seconds each arm
Kettlebell Clean and Push Press 45 seconds each arm
Push Ups with Half Way House Pauses 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds, Repeat 3 times

Round 4

This was a kick ass session and the dynamic round 2 proved to be very taxing indeed - the result was lots of pairs of jelly legs!

Great job everyone who attended.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Lastest Eastbourne Boot Camp Session

Last nights Eastbourne Boot Camp session saw a full house of 16 budding boot campers chomping at the bit and ready for a helluvva session!

It ended up being a truly amazing session with serious fatigue felt by all come the end.

This is what we did:-

Round 1
Kettlebell Swing 45 work /15 rest
Mountain Climbers 45/15
Single Arm Clean and Press Right 45/15
Squat Jumps 45/15
Single Arm Clean and Press Left 45/15
Kettlebell Swing 45/15

Rest 60 seconds, repeat twice more.

Round 2
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat Right 45/15
Kettlebell Single Arm Squat Left 45/15
Low Walking lunges 45/15
Kettlebell Sumo Squat to Upright Row 45/15
Kettlebell Drag 45/15

Rest 60 and repeat twice more

Round 3
5 minute set of crunches and planks.

Round 4
Push Up, Burpee, Jump and Clap 10 reps
Sprint 10M, Walk 10M, Sprint 10M
Jog 30 M
20 Prisoner Squats
Constant for 6 mins.

 Well done to everyone who came along, you all worked incredibly hard and needless to say, I am proud of you all!

Great effort!

Saturday 19 February 2011

The BEST training session in an age!

Training Today

Bar*10 * 2
60 * 10
60 * 5
80 * 5
90 * 5
100 * 5
120 * 3
130 * 3
140 * 3
140 * 3
140 * 3

60 * 10
100 * 5
130 * 3
150 * 3
170 * 3
190 * 2

Speed Pulls
160 * 3
160 * 3
160 * 3

Leg Press
140 * 15
160 * 12
190 * 8
190 * 8

Glute Ham Raise
Adjusted Pad closer

The last few days I have had this odd knee pain, not muscular, more boney.
I think it may be down to some trainers I have been wearing and am considering getting an arch support as I think this is the issue.

Warming up I didnt feel great up to 130 then everything just clicked.

The 140's were the best 140's ive squatted in a long long time. All very deep and hard but without issue, form remained solid, no tipping.

Deadlifts were bob on and pleased with 190 for a double.

The speed pulls were done with 90 sec rest between sets of 3 and all felt fast apart from the last rep of the last set which is where I left it.

Leg pressing and glute ham work was solid after a minor adjustment on the GHR to make it harder.

This is without a doubt the BEST session I have done in a LONG time.